Registration Closing

We hope this announcement finds you well and that you are eagerly anticipating ConFuzzled 2023 as much as we are! We previously announced that residential registration would be closing (for changes) on 31st March at 1800hrs. This is still the case. However, due to the overwhelming response we have received, we have now reached capacity for all registration types, including attending-only and day tickets.

We are delighted by the enthusiastic response from the furry community, and we are thrilled that so many of you are looking forward to joining us at ConFuzzled this year. Unfortunately, we must now fully close registration tonight (24th March, 1800hrs) for all new ticket-types and new registrations to ensure that we can provide the best possible experience for attendees. This also applies to sponsor and plus upgrades.

We understand that this may be disappointing news for those who have not yet secured their registration for ConFuzzled, but we hope you will appreciate that this decision was made in the best interests of the convention, and all attendees. We want to ensure that everyone who does attend has a fantastic time and that we can provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all.

We can still accept uploads of badge pictures, and pictures for fursuit badges into the registration system (but we encourage you to do this soon to avoid missing out!), and we can still accept residential registration changes until 1800hrs, 31st March.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have registered so far, and we look forward to welcoming you to ConFuzzled 2023. For those who have not yet registered, we are sorry that we cannot accommodate you this year, but we hope to see you at future events.

Remember, you can access the registration system at and you can contact our registration team by email at

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Warm regards, The ConFuzzled team.