Fursuit Menagerie

Did you know that in addition to our regular photoshoot, we are also operating a Fursuit Menagerie?


Would you like to be in a group photo with other fursuiters of the same species as you? Or how about the same colour? What about kigu-wearers?

Check out the photos from last year here: https://photos.confuzzled.org.uk/menagerie-2022

The Menagerie gives you that opportunity!

We’ll even have some themed props to make the photos even more fun!

Please find the schedule below of the groups for this year’s Menagerie. This will take place on SATURDAY.

This year, we also have some extra bookable slots! Would you like to organise your own group to meet up? For example, the fursuits made by a particular maker? YOU CAN!

Please email fursuit@confuzzled.org.uk with the timeslot you would like (only required for the ‘bookable’ slots shown below – others are open slots for the theme shown), and we will email back with a confirmation if it’s still available.

Any questions – please email the same address!

NOTE: you do NOT need to book to attend the existing slots, just turn up at the time shown for your ‘theme’. You only need to book if you’d like to use one of the slots shown below in blue as ‘Bookable’) – thank you!