Dealers Den 2025!

Dear Dealers,

We’d like to share some details about this year’s registration for Dealers’ Den. As a result of the unprecedented demand we had for Den tables last year, there will be some changes in this con cycle, in line with popular feedback collected from Dealers in our survey.

When will Dealers’ Den Registration open?

  • This year Dealers’ Den Registration will open along with Registration for the Hotel Lottery, on 2nd September 2024. It is likely to close on 16th September 2024, but could be extended, depending on the demand for tables. However, we will not close earlier than 16th September, to give everyone an equal opportunity to apply for tables.
  • Non-residential Dealers will also need to apply during this time, even if they don’t plan to stay in Hilton.

Will you sell out this year / can I register later?

  • We wish to be very clear about space in Dealers’ Den: this is strictly subject to availability.
  • As such, no date can be given for a ‘latest availability’ as it is clear that the popularity of the den makes this impossible to guarantee.
  • ‘Subject to availability’ is the fairest, and most honest claim we can make for the Den.

What are the changes in Dealers’ Den this year?

  • The main Dealers’ Den will be held on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday, we will rotate the tables to allow different Dealers. Those who register for Saturday and Sunday can also apply for an extension to Monday. However, this will be subject to table availability, with priority given to Monday-only Dealers to ensure everyone has a chance to participate in the Den.
  • We have revamped our curation process this year! Notably,  the First Come, First Served system will no longer be in effect. Instead, we will implement a lottery. This means you don’t need to rush with your registration when we open.
  • The price for tables within the Dealers’ Den has changed – see below how and why.
  • We will no longer offer a mix of 4ft and 5ft tables;  only 5ft tables will be available. Different table sizes have caused a lot of issues with assignments and offering alternatives!
  • Triple tables will no longer be available in Dealers’ Den, we will offer only singles or doubles tables.
  • We have streamlined operating times in the den ahead of applications opening. The den will be open Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm and Monday 10am-2pm

What does the curation look like in Dealers’ Den this year?

  • We will be assessing Dealers’ application across the following criteria, with weighted importance:
    • Product Quality
    • Relevance to Convention
    • Uniqueness and Innovation
    • Past Performance in Den (if applicable)
    • Business practices
  • Our Curation Committee  will evaluate these criteria using the weighted Likert Scale (0-5 points). To be considered, a Dealer must score at least 1 point in each category (with 0 meaning fail). All criteria scores are then averaged to determine the Dealers’ final score, which must be at least 2 points.
  • The weighting is as follows:
Criteria Returning Dealers New Dealers
Product Quality 30% 35%
Relevance to Convention 25% 30%
Uniqueness and Innovation 25% 25%
Past Performance in Den 10% N/A
Business practices 10% 10%
  • To minimise any potential personal bias, each Dealer’s application will be reviewed by multiple members of the Curation Committee and the final score will be the average of all grades given by all the involved Curation Committee members.
  • Aside from the above, we intend to reserve at least 10% of the tables in Dealers’ Den for new Dealers, to promote those traders who have never dealt in our Den before and are only just starting. They will also receive a discount.
  • The curation process continues until mid-October 2024. At this point, Dealers’ Den will notify applicants who were not selected and will provide general  feedback on which criteria needs more information or evidence.  Rejected applicants will have a 72-hour window to submit an appeal, including any additional information about their portfolio for reconsideration.
    • Any appeal submitted based on already purchased stock will not be approved as a place within the Dealers’ Den is not guaranteed to anyone.
  • If  the demand for tables exceeds availability, we plan to conduct a lottery in the second half of October 2024  and send the confirmation emails with results to Dealers right away — whether they are successful in the lottery or are placed on the waiting list.
  • We understand that for many Dealers, financing their hotel stay depends on their participation in the ConFuzzled Dealers’ Den. Therefore, we will share these results with Dealers during the payment window for the hotel. This approach will allow Dealers to make an informed decision about confirming their registration and arranging their hotel accommodation – or cancelling it without the need to pay.

Will Pop-Up Shops be available this year?

Yes, they will be! We will provide further information in due course but initial registration for these will open on 1st November 2024, and close on 30th November 2024. We plan to allocate the tables until mid-December 2024. As usual, Pop-Up Shops can also be booked during the convention, subject to availability. The curation process for Pop-Up Shops will be less stringent compared to the Dealers’ Den, but a portfolio will still be required upon application.

What are the prices for Dealers’ Den in 2025?

5ft Single Non-Wall
£160.00 5ft Single Wall
5ft Single Non-Wall
£40.00 5ft Single Wall
5ft Double Non-Wall
£320.00 5ft Double Wall
5ft Double Non-Wall
£80.00 5ft Double Wall
5ft Pop-Up Shop
(Half-Day on Saturday or Sunday or Full Day on Monday)
£40.00 5ft Pop-Up Shop
(Full Day on Saturday or Sunday)

New Dealers will receive a 30% discount for their first year in ConFuzzled Dealers’ Den. This does not include those who have only had a pop up shop in prior years.

Why have prices increased?

ConFuzzled Dealers’ Den is a significant financial commitment for the convention and it has historically been heavily subsidised by our attendees. The full cost of hiring the Monarch room for three days is around £40,000 including VAT — while the revenue from Dealers’ tables covers only a fraction of this expense previously. On top of the room rental, there are additional running costs including electric, table rental, water and other essentials.

This represents a major financial cost  for the convention. To ensure the continued development of ConFuzzled, its Dealers’ Den and further growth we hope to deliver in the future, ConFuzzled Directors have made the decision to increase the table prices to help offset the cost of the den to the point that attendees are no longer subsidising the hiring of the room and necessary associated costs. By doing this, the previous subsidised portion of the cost from attendees can be reallocated to enhance and improve ConFuzzled overall for everyone.

However, the Den and ConFuzzled Directors acknowledge moving from a heavily subsidised system to none at all would create a position where dealing in 2025 would not be possible for some dealers. We have taken the steps to reduce the full impact of this uplift to dealers by using some of our reserves. We can confirm that the 2026 prices will be 25% higher than in 2025 which will create a net even point for the room hire.

Planned prices for Dealers’ Den in 2026

5ft Single Non-Wall
£200.00 5ft Single Wall
5ft Single Non-Wall
£50.00 5ft Single Wall
5ft Double Non-Wall
£400.00 5ft Double Wall
5ft Double Non-Wall
£100.00 5ft Double Wall
5ft Pop-Up Shop
(Half-Day on Saturday or Sunday or Full Day on Monday)
£50.00 5ft Pop-Up Shop
(Full Day on Saturday or Sunday)


If you have any further Questions, please contact us on our email

Dealers’ Den Team