Art Show Terms & Conditions

To enter art in the ConFuzzled Art Show, you (the seller) must agree to the Terms and Conditions. Full Terms and Conditions can be found here. For your convenience a summary is provided below.

General Info

  • ConFuzzled UK Ltd. (hereafter, ConFuzzled) will offer exhibition space in the Art Show for your art items to be sold in a Silent Auction. A selection of these items will be displayed for sale in a Live Auction.
  • We highly encourage people to donate a percentage of the final sales price of each art item to the ConFuzzled charity. Many bidders consider the charity donation percentage of items when deciding how much to bid on it and thereby make their own charity donations through the purchase of your work. These donations are what make the critters happy, what make us proud to be part of the furry community, and what keeps ConFuzzled going year after year. We are grateful for any amount you choose to donate ^.^
  • ConFuzzled cannot exhibit any item that violates the List of Prohibited Items. This especially concerns copyrighted characters.
  • If you create artwork that falls under the Fair Use or Parody rules, e.g. characters that are easily confused for copyrighted characters, you MUST contact us in advance of the con:
    • We don’t want to deal with these things on the day of submission, and neither do you. If you have not contacted us in advance of the con, we will not display such potentially questionable items.
    • Our attendees cannot be expected to tell the difference between a copyrighted character, and a character that looks just like it, and we do not want to give the impression that copyrighted characters are suitable to display in the Art Show, because this creates an undue burden of questions, rumours, confusion, and angry feedback that fall upon the staff and the convention.
    • You may be required to provide a signed lawyer’s statement that the item in question is considered Fair Use and is defensible in court.
    • These rules do not concern original characters done in the art style of copyrighted characters, i.e. draw all the Disney-like lions you like, just don’t draw Simba.
  • We may have to exclude items on terms of lack of artistic merit: e.g. reselling of merchandise you didn’t create (this should go in the Dealers’ Den); Photographs should have artistic quality and artworks/sculptures should show a minimum of proficiency and effort; Renderings of 2D/3D generated computer graphics should have artistic quality, e.g. we do not accept renderings or screenshots of posed models. Make something original that’s your own!
  • We do not display items that are not for sale. However, you may display a sample of your skill in conjunction with an item/service that is for sale; e.g. you may display a sample sculpture if you are selling a customised sculpture of the buyer’s character.
  • Printed mediums should have a minimum of quality, i.e. pictures with pixelated artifacts, washed-out colors or low resolution are not suitable for public display.
  • We distinguish between Original, Limited Print, Jumbo Limited Print and Unlimited Print artwork. We discourage the exhibition of Unlimited Prints: the appropriate place to sell these is in the Dealers’ Den instead. Please contact for inquiries.
  • Sellers found to be unfairly influencing the bidding process, or otherwise acting in a way judged by the Art Show staff as abusing or ‘gaming’ the Auction systems, will have their items removed from the Art Show and may be banned from the convention. This includes bidding against yourself, or against a friend to raise the price, or push an item to Live Auction (Please don’t try this, we will ban you hard.)
  • We will try to be lenient with the rules for 100% charity items, except on legal matters such as copyright violations. We do allow some unlimited prints and merchandise to be auctioned when it is 100% for charity, but we still prefer original items that display your artistic skills.
  • Any circumstance not otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions remains at the discretion of the ConFuzzled Art Show staff.

Art Show / Silent Auction

  • When signing the Artshow Submission Sheet, you attest full ownership of all items you submit. If you are acting as an agent for another seller, ConFuzzled cannot assist either party in case of disputes. (You may sell your items by proxy if you wish, but ConFuzzled does not distinguish between a proxy seller and the owner. We will only deal with the person who submitted the items and signed for them.)
  • Since pre-registration of art is not mandatory, we cannot guarantee that there will be space for your art pieces. Space will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis, but you can be sure we will do our utmost to squeeze everything in.
  • If space becomes limited, we may remove some items from the sellers who have submitted the most items, or large items that can be replaced with several smaller items. We will also remove items such as merchandise, sample displays, unlimited prints, and similar items that are more suitable for display in the Dealers’ Den, in favour of making room for original artwork.
  • If you have very large or unwieldy items, please contact us in advance of the con with pictures and dimensions. If we are not aware of oversized items in advance, we may have to reject them if there is not enough room.
  • Exhibition space consists of tables, and wooden walls from which frames can be hung by the use of our provided hooks. A limited number of easels for the tables are also available. We can also provide transparent A4 and A3 wallets/pouches for you to place items in.
  • The Silent Auction will be conducted in the Art Show room during advertised hours, prior to the Live Auction event. Any item that receives the maximum number of silent bids will be eligible for the Live Auction.
  • You may not withdraw an item from the Silent Auction if it has received one or more bids. You may add additional items to a single item entry, e.g. sketches, extra commissions, promises of cookies, etc., but you may not remove such an item once added, since this would make the buyer sad.
  • If your item receives no silent bids, then you must collect it at the Unsold Art Pickup event. (See Terms of Auction Sale below for what happens if you don’t collect. Gasp.)
  • If your item receives one or more bids, but does not go to Live Auction, then it will be deemed as sold to the highest bidder on the bid sheet. Yay.
  • ConFuzzled staff may handle, rearrange and alter the display of your items in whatever manner is most appropriate to the Art Show. This is to ensure the safe hanging of your pieces and to exhibit as many items as possible.
  • ConFuzzled may remove an item from the Art Show at any time, for any reason. Such items will be treated as unsold and returned to you. We always hope we don’t have to do this, but people tend not to read the copyright rules -.-
  • ConFuzzled may impose a limit on the number of submissions to the Art Show, at any time. For example, this could occur if the number of incoming submissions from a single seller negatively impact the running of the Art Show, or ConFuzzled staff determine that there is no more space to display any more items. (If you have many items to sell, please consider getting a table in the Dealers’ Den instead.)

Live Auction

  • ConFuzzled has the final say on which items go to Live Auction, and will decide the order of the items to be presented. This order may change at any time, including during the Live Auction itself. Usually due to technical difficulties <.<
  • In the sad circumstance that the Live Auction ends before every eligible item has been offered up for bidding, the sale will go to the highest bidder on the bid slip. Sorry.
  • If no bids are made on an item at the Live Auction, the sale will go to the highest bidder on the bid slip. If there are no bids on the bid slip, it will be returned to the seller as Unsold.
  • ConFuzzled may select items of artwork for special distinction, such as “Guests of Honour’s Special Selection”, “Director’s Choice”, “Auction Staff’s Pick” or “Rear of the Year Nomination”. These awards indicate items that will be directly entered into the Live Auction at the current bid price, or the starting bid price if no bids have been made. (*hint hint* If you want to increase your chances of your piece being awarded, make a high charity donation on it; this is usually what the Guests of Honour and the Directors look for. If you want the Rear of the Year Nomination, draw a male adult piece with a reeeeeally nice butt, preferably with a 50% charity donation or more.)

Art Pickup / Artist Payout

  • ConFuzzled may perform seller payouts via bank transfer after the convention, for the full amount of funds owed. This is because most buyers prefer to pay by card or bank transfer, which means we will not have enough cash to pay all artists at the convention. We offer this service to buyers for their convenience so they can bid on your art without worrying about obtaining the cash for the items in advance.
  • If you are a seller who does not need to collect any physical items and you cannot show up for this event, find us at the con and inform us. We will arrange for a bank transfer after the con. If you don’t inform us, you will pay any bank transfer fees yourself.
  • If you have bought any physical items and cannot show up for this event, please find us at the con and inform us. We may be able to arrange sending the item to you at your expense. If you know another person who could pick up the item and pay for you, you may email us a picture of the two badges together and ask us to allow the other badge ID to pick up your items on your behalf. Make sure you email us from the same email address you used to register for ConFuzzled.
  • If for whatever reason the buyer is unable to pay or has not collected the item by the end of the Artist Payout event, the sale may be annulled.
  • If you do not show up to collect your winnings at the Artist Payout event, any and all fees for a subsequent bank transfer will be paid by you. If such fees exceed the amount owed, you will donate the full amount to ConFuzzled.
  • Tracking down sellers who have not showed up to collect their winnings is a hassle for the art show and finance staff to do after the convention. It is entirely unnecessary, and we have to spend our own free time to do it. Therefore we charge 5 GBP in admin fees for this service and donate them to the charity. If this amount (plus any bank transfer fees) exceeds the amount owed, you will donate the full amount to the charity.
  • When the Art Pickup and Artist Payout events have ended, ConFuzzled’s formal obligation to the buyer and to you will end. Any remaining funds that have not been collected after the Artist Payout will be donated to charity, so please show up on time!

Terms of Auction Sale

  • ConFuzzled acts as a designated agent for the purposes of displaying and conducting an auction. Submitted items will be sold by auction on your behalf.
  • All sales form a contract between the winning bidder and you, with ConFuzzled acting only as a broker. ConFuzzled is not directly involved in the sales contract between you and the winning bidder; we merely facilitate your sale.
  • You agree to sell your item to the winning buyer at the bidding price. Potential buyers agree to purchase an item at the bidding price, as part of the terms of entry to ConFuzzled. ConFuzzled will not seek to be involved in further negotiations or disputes about items after ConFuzzled’s facilitation role is complete.
  • ConFuzzled will not be held responsible for any items that do not sell, for items that the buyer does not collect, or items sold as future obligations.
  • Items are left in the custody of ConFuzzled at your own risk, and ConFuzzled will not be held liable for any damage or loss to the items, although all reasonable care will be taken for their safe keeping. If something should happen, you will have to file insurance claims yourself.
  • Any remaining items that have not been collected by the end of the con will be held by ConFuzzled. These items will be considered unpaid and the sale may be annulled. If you find a buyer after the con, we can ship the item(s) directly to the buyer at your expense, or you may choose to have your item(s) shipped to yourself at your own expense. If you refuse to pay shipping expenses of unpaid items or if we fail to contact you before the next con (or within a year), you thereby agree to donate the item(s) to ConFuzzled.
  • ConFuzzled may pass on the contact details of seller and buyer to one another, if it is necessary to allow you to complete your transaction. Unless you inform us otherwise, we will use the email address you provided upon registration.