Join the Team


ConFuzzled is only possible because of the dedicated team of people working behind the scenes to bring the convention together and make the magic happen. We are always expanding, and as such we are looking for volunteers to fill our vacant staff and crew positions.

Working for the convention is fun, enjoyable and rewarding work and doesn’t need to be time intensive – even if you can only offer a few hours a week or can only offer us assistance at the convention itself, we may have a spot for you.

Current Vacancies

Click any of the vacancies below for further details and to apply.

Remember, all ConFuzzled staff and crew are volunteers, as such all vacancies are voluntary positions.

The ideal candidate will be familiar with customer service and customer facing positions as this role exists throughout the year with registration and at the convention as well. You will be expected to maintain high standards of professionalism throughout all attendee interactions.

Closing date: 19 October 2024

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If none of these roles are for you but you are still interested in joining the team, you can always complete our general application form which includes a list of the key areas we’re currently looking for additional people to help us out in – that said, we are always interested in volunteers in all areas so even if the area you’re interested in isn’t listed, please fill out the form and include details in your application.

Provide as much information as you can on this application form so that we can make an informed decision regarding your application to work with ConFuzzled. Once your application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by our HR team and we’ll get back to you with feedback as soon as possible. Please note it may take a number of weeks before you hear from us.

Alternatively, or if you have any questions, you can email us on

Our Lovely Departments

Art Show

All the lovely art submitted by our community is displayed in our annual art exhibition, which is handled by the art show department. They also run the live auction that generates a large portion of the funding for our charity this year, and helps promote our fellow furry artists.


Our legendary Opening and Closing ceremonies are created by this mad crew. This involves a lot of scripting, filming, acting, rehearsing, and collection of very important STATS to share with you at the end.

Dealers’ Den

Running the biggest furry market in the UK fandom takes a lot of planning and effort each year, including keeping everyone supplied with electricity and water. Dealers and their wares take up the largest room in the hotel.


To pack the weekend with lots of activities, our Events team has to spend months planning and scheduling each event and room setups. During the convention they’re beavering away setting up rooms, tech, props, and helping event runners with their panels.

Guest Of Honour

Our venerable guests o’ honour need to be selected, invited, conveyed to the hotel and back, and kept happy throughout the weekend. This is the job of our Guest of Honour liaisons.


The con-wide puzzle game that runs throughout the convention is designed and run by the metagaming department. Every year it gets bigger and madder.

Pawpets UK

The Pawpets UK troupe are the people up to their elbows in fluff for your entertainment, and they put on one of our most beloved shows. Puppet performers, stage wranglers, script writers, background painters, prop makers, sound artists, etc. all come together to put on one of our longest-running stage shows.


Everything that transforms the hotel from a mundane business meeting to a furry party comes from the Creative department: the banners, the theming, the vines, the signs, the conbook, the website, and all the art and colours around you, are done by our talented crayon wranglers.


Construction and maintenance of the fursuit lounge equipment, making sure the Dealers’ Den has electricity at the tables, and generally everything that spins and makes a *whirr* noise, is the domain of Engineering.


Fursuit is in charge of building the fursuit lounges, stocking them up, and keeping them running throughout the convention, as well as organising the ConFuzzled fursuit events such as fursuit games, menagerie, etc.


Our mascots are paid in attention (or ‘exposure’, as it’s called on the Internet), so they need to be out and about regularly. Caring for them between outings, scheduling their appearances both at our convention and others’, and making sure they travel safely, is a big logistic task that’s managed by this department.


Every year our photography department creates a new themed fursuit photoshoot and take amazing pictures of your fursuits.

Con Ops

Helping attendees is the primary function of convention operations. The secondary is to help all the internal staff who forgot to print something. They ensure all staff who need to coordinate during the convention are able to do so.

Welfare: Medical

Whenever fursuiters get heat exhaustion because they don’t know their limits, or people feel faint when seeing the meal prices at the bar, our medical team rushes in to fix their boo-boo.


Keeping track of all the differently shaped and coloured critters working for the convention is a full time job. We have been lobbying to rename this FR, but so far no luck.


Mental health is important to our staff and crew, and volunteer working is no less stressful than other jobs. This department supports us in need.


Our official department of Get Stuff Done ensure that transport is coordinated so it all gets to the hotel on time, and budget.


This is our collection of burly men (and women, and NBs), who lift the heavy things and put them down somewhere nearby where they are needed. They are in charge of Operation GTFI and GTFO before and after the convention.


All the junk we have accumulated over the years needs to go somewhere, and stores is that somewhere. A treasure trove of things we thought we’d already thrown away can be found in our storage pods here, which are safely kept off-site at optimum temperature and humidity levels.


Communication is important, especially when you have an image to maintain. All our official socials: Twitters, Telegrams, even electrified mail, are in the care of comms.

Tech Services

Main stage, second stage, third stage, and the elusive fourth stage of matter, are under the purview of tech services. They set it all up and take it all down: lights, cameras, but action is provided by the attendees.


Many of our stage events are recorded and streamed to online content distribution platforms by our video team. If you do something silly on stage, they will capture it forever.


Web hosting, web managing, web slinging, basically anything to do with webs is handled by our small and amazing Systems team.

Registration Purchasing & Logistics

The backend systems for registration that makes sure the website does not cough and fall over anymore when registration opens, is all taken care of by this team.

Customer Service

The accurately-named Customer Service is our registration team. They deal with attendee registration, such as assigning people to hotel rooms, answering all your questions about the registration process throughout the year, etc. They also handle services during the convention, such as checking your ID to make sure you’re not Carlos the Jackal, and then handing you all the swag and badges you’ve paid for.


Our staff and crew need modern, digital ways to communicate with each other, as well as create lots and lots of documentation of standard operating procedures, health and safety plans, and many many drawings of where to put chairs in the hotel rooms. All these features are provided by this department, named after a clown hiding in the sewers.


The Money Ferrets take care of all our finances, including budgeting and purchasing, and generally making sure there will be a convention next year too.