Dealers Den Curation Update 2

We’d like to share some further news on changes to the Dealer’s Den this year, as promised in our last update.

If you’re a dealer and have already applied, we’d recommend updating your application in the registration system, or send an email to before the end of Sunday, 3rd December 2023 – but please read below for more details.

For 2024, we’ve introduced a curation process for Dealers applying for Den tables. We’ve done this to help keep the den exciting and relevant for our attendees. This also brings fairness for dealers, ensuring that our tables are used to the fullest for the duration of the convention. In addition for 2024 we are limiting the maximum number of tables any dealer can request to two, in order to maximise the den space and layout for more dealers.

We understand that you’ll want some insight about the criteria used for dealer selection. Among other criteria, this includes things like:

  • Relevance to the furry fandom: ensuring that your merchandise or services are of interest to our attendees.
  • Quality & Diversity: Reviewing what you have to offer from your portfolio or social media. This also allows us to ensure good variety in the den. Share links with us to your merch or material to help with our review (website, social media, art profiles etc).
  • Table use: Keeping den tables focussed on art & merchandise sales rather than purely for commissions or pickups – we prefer Pop-Up Shops for this purpose. This is to reduce the number of tables left vacant by dealers who sell out quickly and have no further need for the space.
  • New Dealers: We aim for 10% of tables to go to dealers who’ve never sold in the den at ConFuzzled before.

If you’re not approved by our curation process, we’ll add you to the waiting list behind approved dealers on the waiting list.

Unsuccessful applicants may also appeal within 72 hours (and may submit additional information to support their appeal) after receiving the email. Appeals will be reviewed by our den team, and where the original decision is upheld, it will also be automatically escalated internally for review to ensure proper process.

Some dealers may be asked to consider a Pop-up Shop instead of a table. For example, this would be a great option for those offering purely commissions, or who are running at-con pickups only of pre-orders. Pop-Up Shop slots are three hours, and each Dealer can apply for a maximum of two slots over the three days the Den is open. Hiring a Pop-Up Shop slot is also cheaper than booking a table for the entire duration of Dealers’ Den!

We recognise that some dealers may wish to update their application information in the registration system based on the above. We’d like to open a window of opportunity for this until the end of Sunday, 3rd December 2023 to add additional information e.g. Shop Links, Social Media platforms, written information, a portfolio, or anything else you feel may be relevant. You can also do this via email, but please make sure any emails have your registration number in the subject line so we can link it to your registration.

Dealers who were sent emails in November asking if they would consider a position on the waitlist or a Pop-Up Shop will be reconsidered. Although we cannot guarantee a change in decision, you will be offered the same 72-hour right to appeal once you are informed of any decision made after the reconsideration.

Pop-Up Shops – Pop-Up Shop applications will be pushed back until the Middle of January 2024  – this is to ensure that the team have reviewed and communicated their decision to all applicants of all table types. If a dealer has been unsuccessful in their chosen table type, and asked to apply for a Pop-Up Shop, this is when they will need to apply. We’ll be sharing more information about access to Pop-Up Shops for unsuccessful den table applications as soon as possible, along with updating the website information

We hope this helps explain things and as ever, all feedback and questions are welcome in our inbox if you’d like to send an email to