Art Wanted

Artwork Submission Deadline: January 31st

ConFuzzled produces a wide array of printed materials for our attendees, such as a conbook, posters, and screen graphics that we display around the convention hotel. On these materials, it’s nice to feature artwork by our fans, followers, and attendees.

Need Some Ideas?

Want to draw us some lovely art? Fantastic! Firstly… thank you! You’re awesome. Secondly, to kick-start you with some ideas, here are some important guidelines about our mascots and annual theme;

Guidelines And Notes

  • When you submit artwork, please provide your chosen name/nickname and main social handle (if any), so we can credit you correctly if your artwork is used.
  • Transparent background artwork of characters is very helpful to us. This helps with flexible placement in the conbook, on banners, and on screens.
  • If your artwork has a background, please make sure that any important elements (such as characters or key objects) are not drawn too close to the edge of the image. This is to ensure that once the conbook or posters are trimmed during printing, that nothing important is cut away.
  • Larger, raw file formats are better for quality, e.g. PSD or TIFF files.
  • If your file is too large for an email attachment, you can send us an email with your cloud drive link of choice.
  • PNG and JPG are okay, but quality may be lost in conversion for print.
  • Artwork of our mascots Brok, Mel, and Dylan are a great help! We love to see your interpretations of them.
  • Should you wish to draw our mascots, there are a few useful references and guidelines HERE. Please make sure you read these before creating art that features our mascots.
  • We publish under a Creative Commons licence (BY-NC-ND 2.0 UK). If you submit your work to us, you agree to let us publish your work under this licence, and you also agree to these guidelines and notes in full.
  • While we try to use every submission that we receive, we cannot promise that we will use every single image submitted.

Specifications & Templates

Want to make sure your artwork is formatted to a convenient size for us? Here are some useful details:

  • Our conbook is A4 (210mm x 297mm) at 300dpi.
  • Ensure a 10mm bleed on all artwork with backgrounds.
  • Ensure any background artwork has enough space to be covered with text.
  • Large posters and banners are commonly printed at around 75dpi to 150dpi.
  • As a general rule… the larger your artwork, the better!
  • Below is a common template that we use for the Hilton pool windows:
